Friday, 9 September 2011

We're adding to them all the time...

So, we said at the beginning of the year that there were certain phrases that were banned from Vital HQ. One of these was the changing media landscape. Oops, there goes another fiver in the charity pot!

Our core team is still the same, and we can put together one that best suits your needs, or recommend a single consultant if that's what would work well for you, but in order to adapt to how things are evolving (can we just about get away with that?) we've found that we're bringing in more and more of our skills into our communications activities.

Amongst our team are creative writers and trained journalists who are great at adding character and personality to blogs and social media activities, and trainers and coaches who are ideal for helping to bring together a working team or offering mentoring.

PR and communications has got much, much bigger than media relations - which we're pretty nifty at too, of course - so doesn't your business deserve someone who can think and deliver 'big' too? Yes, we thought so.

If you'd like a chat about how we can bring some vitality into your communications - on or offline - then just give Clancy a call on 07966 874796. We promise to leave the fiddle behind when we come to our first meeting, too, we're great at some things but we know our limitations!

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A bit more about

Vital Communications is run by award-winning communicator Clancy Walker and works by tailoring a team that you need; bringing together the right people at the right time. Our network of consultants offers combined experience in social media, media relations, internal communications, community relations, corporate social responsibility, training, mentoring, marketing communications, copywriting and design. Our experience spans a wide range of industries and sectors including business and professional services, manufacturing, local government, FMCG, hair, fashion and beauty, interiors, charities, performing arts and education. We're continually on the look-out for good people to join our network of consultants and specialists - just as long as you're happy to work as part of our team and are an expert in your field. Last but not least, we can always find work for people wanting to gain some valuable experience in PR and events. We don't look for experience - just a good sense of humour, a strong work ethic, a willingness to learn and bucket loads of common sense!